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Charles Roylance, How to Learn the Dulcimer Without a Master, London 1886
"Directions for using the beaters: for soft passages use the side covered with leather, for loud passages use the reverse side. Use the beaters alternately as much as possible".
The technique of reversing the hammers is rarely used, simple enough though it seems; it seems that no British players today use leather-covered hammers, although Willie Rea (Northern Ireland) used to do so, and they are used on the continent.
Repertoire: God Save the Queen (Victoria); Spanish-Chant; Ash Grove; Sweet Violets; Am I Not Fondly Thine Own; Parigi 0 Cara; Bluebells + variations; The Harp that Once; Schottische; Jenny Jones; Keel Row; La Donna è Mobile; Old Lang Syne.
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