CHAPTER 3: History to 1800 > Early Renaissance - 15th century

Illustrations - 11 of 15

fig.29: from Mary Queen of Heaven, c.1480-1489, Master of the Lucy Legend
(National Gallery of Art, Washingon DC, ref. 1096)

Type 1 - one bridge

The dulcimer on the lap of the angel attending Mary, Queen of Heaven, c.1485. is in many ways almost identical to dulcimers played today in America - type 1.2. (single bridge, trapezoid shape) - played on the lap, having a soundhole on either side of the bridge; this is the earliest example of such an instrument.

However, the situation depicted - even if only symbolic - is far removed from the world of the hoe-down, a delightful group of 'soft' instruments, three recorders, small lute, harp and dulcimer.