

  • The format of this bibliography is based on that prescribed for Grove 6 but in alphabetical order of author's surname.
  • Titles of books and periodicals are in italics, titles of articles are in single inverted commas; volume numbers are in roman; issue numbers and pages in arabic numerals, separated by a colon.
  • Abbreviations are expanded in Appendix 1.
  • There may follow, in respective brackets, the place and date of publication, further details to help identification, and the British Library catalogue number.
  • A second edition in, say, 1949, is shown '2/1949'; a 1949 reprint would be shown 'R/1949'.

- J.A. van AALST, Chinese Music (New York, 1884, R/1964) (Paragon)

- Djilda ABBOTT & Ephraim SEGERMAN, 'Strings in the 16th and 17th centuries', GSJ, xxvii, (1974) (see also Segerman & Abott,1976)

- Hülphers ABRAHAMSSON, Historisk Afhandling om Musik och Instrumenter... (Westerås, 1773)

- Martin(us) AGRICOLA, Musica Instrumentalis deudsch (Wittenberg 1528, 1529, 1545; R/1896) (BL Ac.5144/2)

- Mohanlal AlMA, Sangeet Natak xi; 69- 73 (Jan- March 1969, New Delhi)

- Mohanlal AlMA and David LEWISTON, Kashmir: Traditional Songs Dances, LP sleeve notes (New York, 1974) (Nonesuch)

- Tiberiu ALEXANDRU, Instrumentele Muzicale ale Poporului Romin (Bucuresti, 1956).

- Edward ALLWORTH, Central Asia: A Century of Russian Rule

- August Wilhelm AMBROS, Musikgeschichte, i (Breslau, 1862)

- American (Revised Version of the Bible (The) (New York, 1885, 1901)

- Otto ANDERSSON, The Bowed Harp (London, 1930) (Wm Reeves)

- ANON, Dit is ee seer Schoô Boecxke (Antwerp, 1568) (Jan van Ghelen) (R/1973, Amsterdam) (Frits Knuf)

- ANON, 'Fran Medelpad: en Storlekstuga', Svenskt Landsmål i; 581 (Nov 1879) (Landsmålsföreningsfest i Upsala)

- ANON, Livre Plaisant et tres utile pour apprendre... les Manicordion/Luc/et Flutes (Antwerp, 1529) (Guillaume Vorsterman) (R/1973, Amsterdam) (Frits Knuf)

- Fivos ANOYANAKIS, Instruments de musique populaires grecs (Athens, 1965) ("Ministère de l'Education Nationale et des Cultes")

- Willi APEL, Harvard Dictionary of Music (London, 2/1970) (Heinemann)

- Willi APEL, Masters of the Keyboard (1947) (Harvard University Press)

- ARNAUT de Zwolle, see le CERF.

- Denis ARNOLD, 'Instruments and Instrumental Teaching in the early Italian Conservatories', GSJ xviii; 76f (1965)

- Anders ARREBO, K Davids Psalter Sangviisz udsat under hundrede og nogle Melodier og Toner, etc. (Copenhagen, 1623)

- Maximilian AXELSSON, Vesterdalarne dess natur folklif och fornminnen, viii; Rämens Finnnmark (Stockholm, n.d.)

- F.J.J. van BAARS & J.G.J.A. van der SCHOOT, Engels Nederlands woordenboek (Utretcht/Antwerpen, 1969) (Prisma)

- Anthony BAINES, Bagpipes (Oxford) (1973 (revised edition)) (Pitt Rivers Museum)

- Anthony BAINES, European and American Musical Instruments (London, 1966) (Batsford)

- Anthony BAINES, Musical Instruments ii: Non- Keyboard Instruments (London, 1968) (HMSO)

- Anthony BAINES, Musical Instruments through the Ages (London, 1961, 1966, 1969) (Penguin)

- London BALLAD Society, Captain Cox his Ballads and Books (London, 1871) (Taylor & Co.) (BL AC 9928/3)

- Jerzy BANACH, Tematy Muzyczne w Plastyce Polskiej (Warsaw, 1957) (Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne)

- J. Murray BARBOUR, 'Nierop's Hackebort', MQ xx, 1; 312- 319(1934)

- John BARET, An Alvearie or triple (quadruple) dictionarie (London, 1573, 1580)

- Chr. BARKER (Printer), The Bible (London, 1599)

- Carl Maria BELLMAN, Samlade Skrifter (Stockholm, 1861)

- Jonas BERG & Bo LAGERCRANTZ, Scots in Sweden (Edinburgh, n. d.) (Royal Scottish Museum)

- Alfred BERNER, 'Hebenstreit', MGG

- Nicholas BESSARABOFF, Ancient Musical Instruments: An Organological Study.. (New York, 1941) (October House Inc.)

- George BIGGAR, 'Mountain Music Plus', Old Time Music iii (London, Winter 1972/3)

- James BLADES, Percussion Instruments and their History (London, 1970 ) (Faber)

- W.BODE, Die Tonkunst in Goethes Leben i (Berlin, 1912)

- Filippo BONANNI (also Buonanni), Antique Musical Instruments and their players 152 plates from Gabinetto Armonico 1723 (New York, 1964) (Dover)

- Filippo BONANNI (also Buonanni), Gabinetto Armonico (1716, 1722, 1723 dome, ), (BL Hirsch iv 1476, (1722); 59a14 (1723)


- Hubert BOONE, Hakkebord, MS, notes for an unfinished thesis (Brussels, 1973)

- Hubert BOONE, 'De Hommel in de Lage Landen', The Brussels Museum of Musical Instruments Bulletin v. (Brussels, 1975)

- Howard Mayer BROWN, 'An Archive for Iconographers', TLS (21/6/74) p.660

- Howard Mayer BROWN & Joan LASCELLE, Musical Iconography: A Manual for Cataloguing Musical subjects in Western Art before 1800 (1972) (Harvard Univ Press)

- R.F. BROWN, Collins Spanish Gem Dictionary (London, 1957)

- Charles Faulkner BRYAN, 'American Folk Instruments: II, The Hammered Dulcimer', Tennessee Folklore Society Bulletin xviii,1; 1.5 (March 1952)

- Alexander BUCHNER, Folk Music Instruments of the World (Prague, 1971) (Octopus Books)

- Ann I BUCKLEY, The Tiompán (MA thesis, Univ Coll Cork 1972) ref. 1027)


- Charles BURNEY, Diary (BL Add. 35l22.c) p.52f ; see GLOVER

- Bruce BUURSMA, 'Roll over Beethoven: the dulcimer crowd at Interlochen' Wonderland: The Sunday Press Magazine (20.5.1973) (Grand Rapids, Mich. USA)

- Henry Holland CARTER, A Dictionary of Middle English Musical Terms (Bloomington, Ind., 1961) (Indiana Univ. P.) (R/1968) (Kraus Reprint Corp.)

- Justin H. McCarthy, ed., Arabian Nights (London, 1887) (Waterlow & Sons)

- Cassell's Latin Dictionary (London, 1887) (24/1946)

- A.C. CAWLEY, ed. Chaucer: Canterbury Tales (London, 1958) (Dent)

- CEOL TIRE (Newsletter of the Folk Music Society of Ireland) (Dublin)

- G. Le CERF, Les Traites d'Henry-Arnaut de Zwolle et divers anonymes (Paris, 1932)

- Chambers' Twentieth Century Dictionary (1972)

- William CHAPPELL, Popular Music of the Olden Time (London, 1859) (Chappell) (R/1965, Dover)

- H. CHARNASSE 'Tympanon', La Musique 374 (Paris, 1965) (La Rousse)

- Francois Abbaye de CHATEAUNEUF, Le Dialogue sur la Musique des Anciens (Paris, 1725)

- Albert CHATTERLEY, ''... And on her Dulcimer she played", Music in Education (Jan, Feb 1969)

- Antoine-E. CHERBULIEZ, 'Quelques Observations sue le Psaltérion (Tympanon) populaire Suisse: "Hackbrett"', JIFMC (1960) 23- 27

- Félix CLEMENT, Histoire de la Musique (Paris, 1885) (Hachette)

- J. McCOLVIN, Central Music Library Classification (London n.d.)

- Maurice COURANT, 'Chine et Corée' in Lavignac, Encyclopedie de la Musique i; 180 (Paris, 1921)

- Captain COX, see BALLAD Society

- Henry COWELL & M. HAMAJON, Music of Iran (LP notes) (New York, n.d.) (Lyrichord LL- 135)

- Eugene O'CURRY On the Manners & Customs of the Ancient Irish (London, 1873)

- O.M. DALTON, Catalogue of the Ivory Curtains of the Christian Era .. in the .. British Museum (London, 1909)

- Alain DANIELOU, A Catalogue of Recorded .. Indian Music (Paris, 1952)

- Alain DANIELOU, Greece Traditional Music, LP Sleeve notes (1974) (Musical Atlas, Unesco, EMI Italy)

- W. DAWSON et al., Book of Common Prayer (Oxford 1798)

- Valentin DENIS, trans. (ACB?), 'Musical Instruments in Fifteenth century Netherlands and Italian Art', GSJ, ii; 32 (1972)

- DIDEROT & d' ALEMBERT, 'Art du Faiseur d' Instruments de Musique et Lutherie', Encyclopedie Methodigue (Paris, 1785) (R/1972, Geneva) (Minkoff Reprint)

- P.S. DINNEN, Dictionary (Dublin, 1927) (Education Co. of Ireland)

- Robert DONINGTON, 'Instruments', Grove 5 (London, 1954) (Macmillan)

- Robert DONINGTON, The Instruments of Music (London, 1949) (Methuen)

- Robert DONNINGTON, 'James Talbot's Manuscript' , GSJ iii; 27ff (1950)

- Klaas DOUWES, Grondig ondersoek van der toonen der musijk (Franeker, 1699)

- H.- H. DRÄGER & W. WÜNSCH, 'Hackbrett', MGG

- Ezra DURAND, Dulcimer without a Master (Boston Mass, 1867) (Oliver Ditson)

- Robert A. DUTCH, Roget's Thesaurus, (London, 1953)

- Peter EDEN, Waterways of the Fens (Cambridge, 1972) (limited edition)

- Carl ENGEL, Descriptive Catalogue of the Musical Instruments in the South Kensington Museum (London, 1874)

- Annedore EGERLAND, 'Das Pantalon', Die Musikforschung xxiii, 152- 159 (1970)

- J. Philipp EISEL, Musicus Autodidactos Oder Der Sich selbst informirende Musicus bestehend Sowohl in Vocal als üblicher Instrumental-Musique... (Erfurt, 1738)

- Gustav S. ERIKSSON, ed., Julseder, i (Stockholm, 1928- 1934)

- Lajos EVVA, 'Czimbalom és tárogato', Zeneszti Lapok xvi; 19- 21 (Budapest, 1876)

- Henry George FARMER, The Minstrelsy of the Arabian Nights (Bearsden, 1945)

- Henry George FARMER, 'Mi'zaf' ('Open- string instruments'), Encyclopaedia of Islam iii; 530 (Leyden, 1913- 38)

- Henry George FARMER, 'Santir', Grove 5, 404- 5 (1954) (MacMillan)

- Henry George FARMER, Studies in Oriental Instruments (London 1931)

- Henry George FARMER, Turkish Instruments of Music in the 17th century as described in the Siyahat nama of Ewlíyá Chelebi, translation edited with notes (Glasgow, 1937) (Civic Press)

- F.J. FETIS, Biographie Universelle des Musiciens iii (Paris, 1862)

- F.J. FETIS, Histoire Generale de la Musique (5vv) (Paris,l867- 76)

- I.F. FINLAY, 'Musical Instruments in 17th-century Dutch paintings', GSJ vi; 52 (1953)

- Claude FLAGEL, La Vielle, LP notes (Paris, 1973) (Chant du Monde)

- John FLORIO, A World of Words or most copius and exact dictionarie in Italian and English (London, 1598)

- Russell FLUHARTY, The Dulcimer Story (Mannington, W.Va., 1964) (pub. author)

- Lewis FOREMAN, Archive Sound Collections an interim directory (Aberystwyth, 1974) (College of Librarianship, Wales)

..- W.H. FRENCH & C.B. HALE, Middle English Metrical Romances (New York, 1930) (BL: 11623 e 34)

- Antoine FURETIERE, Dictionnaire Universel (The Hague, Rotterdam 1698, 1701, 1727) (BL 630m.1- 3)

- Gadelica (Dublin, 1912- 1913) (Hodges & Figgis) (Scandinavian Library, Univ. Coll.: Whitley Stokes 110h)

- Francis W. GALPIN, Old English Instruments of Music (London, 3/1932 (Methuen)

- Francis GALPIN, A Textbook of European Musical Instruments (London, 1937) (Williams & Norgate)

- Peter GAMMOND, Musical instruments in colour (Blandford, 1975)

- H. in der GAND, Volkstümliche Musikinstrumente in der Schweiz (Basel 1937)

- Milovan GAVAZZI et al., Tradicijska Narodna Glazbala Jugoslavije (Traditional Folk Instruments of Jugoslavia) (Zagreb, 1975) (Skolska knjiga, Masarykova 28)

- Karl GEIRINGER, Musical Instruments (London, 1943)

- Brigitte GEISER, J.H. v.d. MEER, K.- H. SCHICKHAUS, Des Hackbrett: ein alpenländisches Musikinstrument (Herisau/Trogen 1975) (Verlag Schläpfer & Co.)

- Brigitte GEISER, Das Hackbrett in der Schweiz (Schriften des Stockalper-Archivs in Heft 25) (Visp, 1973)

- Brigitte GEISER, 'Die Zithern der Schweiz', Nachrichten der Gesellschaft der Freunde alter Musik- instrumente (Zurich, 1974)

- Paul GIFFORD, 'Development of the Hammer Dulcimer', Mugwumps instrumental Herald iii,5; 19- 23 (Sept, 1974)

- Cedric GLOVER, Dr. Charles Burney's Continental Travels 1770-1772 from his journals and other sources (London, 1927) (Blackie) BL.010107.h.32)

- F. GODEFROY, Dictionnaire de l'Ancienne Lanque Francaise et de tous ses dialectes du IXe au XVe siècle (Paris, 1881- 1902)

- (GPC) Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru/A Dictionary of the Welsh Language (Cardiff, 1950) (Univ. Wales Press)

- James GRASSINEAU, gent., A Musical Dictionary being a Collection of Terms and characters being as well ancient as modern Including the historical theoretical and practical parts of music (London, 1740, 1769 (1784- rev. & retitled) ("Printed for J. Wilcocks at Virgil's Head opposite the new church in the Strand 1740") (BL 1042.g.4.)

- Nancy GROCE, 'The Hammered Dulcimer in America', (unpublished ms submitted to GSJ)(1976)

- J. GROSSIER, 'L'Epinette dans la vallée des Lacs', Au Pays des Lacs: arts et traditions des Hautes-Vosges (Gérardmer, 1960)

- Donald Jay GROUT, A History of Western Music (New York 1960)

- GYLDENDLS, Store Konversasjons Leksikon (Oslo, n.d.)

- C. HAIGHT, A Complete System for the Dulcimer (New York, 1848) (William Hall)

- Eric HALFPENNY, 'An Eighteenth Century Trade List of Musical Instruments', GSJ, xvii (1964)

- Colin HAMILTON 'John Rea', Slow Air i, 2; 3 (Belfast June 1976)

- Joszef HARRACH, 'Cimbalom a zenekarban' ('Cimbalom in the Orchestra'), Ellenör (Budapest, 24.5.1877)

- Frank HARRISON, Time, Place and Music: An anthology of Ethnomusicological Observation (Amsterdam, 1973) (Frits Knuf)

- Arthur HARTMAN, 'The Czimbalom, Hungary's National Instrument', MQ, ii; 590- 600 (1916)

- Dieter HÄRTWIG, 'Hebenstreit', Grove 6 (for 1968)

- Dieter HÄRTWIG, 'Noëlli',; 1547f

- Paul HASLUCK, ed., Violins and other stringed Instruments: How to Make Them (London, 1906, 1914) (Cassell Work Handbook Series)

- Stephen HAWES, ed. Wm. Mead, Pastime of Pleasure (London, 1928) (OUP) (BL Ac.9925/129; 9927/127)

- Sir John HAWKINS, A General History of the Science and Practice of Music (London, 1776) (R/1875, Novello)

- Eleanor G. HAYDEN, Travels Round our Village (London, 1905) (Archibald Constable & Co)

- Per-Anders HELLQUIST, Musik-Motiv i Sveriges Kyrkokonst före år 1600 MS (Stockholm 1957) (MHM )

- Asbjørn HERNES, Impuls og Tradisjonjon 1500-1800 (Oslo, 1952)

- The English HEXAPLA (London 1841; Samuel Bagster)

- Joseph HICKERSON, A Bibliography of Hammered and Plucked Dulcimers and Related Instruments (Washington DC, 1973) (Library Of Congress ref. 1/22/73)

- Geoffrey HINDLEY, ed., Larousse Encyclopaedia of Music (London) (Hamlyn)

- A.J. HIPKINS, et al., 'Psaltery', Grove 5 (London, 1954) (Macmillan)

- G. HIRTH, Liebhaberbibliothek alter Illustrationen, iv (Munich, 1880- 1903)

- John HOLLANDER and Frank Kermode, The Literature of Renaissance England (New York, London, 1973: OUP)

- Peiggy HOLROYDE, Indian Music (London, 1972) (George Allen & Unwin)

- Peter ten HOOPEN & Eden NABY, Afghanistan Music from the crossroads of Asia LP. sleeve notes (New York, 1973) (Nonesuch H- 72058)

- Karl HORAK, 'Instrumentale Volksmusik', Osterreichische Musikzeitschrift ix (Vienna, 1966)

- Eric von HORNBOSTEL & Curt SAHS, 'Classification of Musical Instrument: translated from the Original German by Anthony Baines & Klaus P. Wachsmann', GSJ xiv; 3- 29 (1961)

- Henry HUDSON, The Mediaeval Woodwork of Manchester Cathedral (Manchester, 1924) (Sherratt & Hughes)

- Richard HULAN, 'Hunting and Taming the Native American (or Hammered) Dulcimer', Newsletter of the Folklore Soc. of Greater Washington, v,6; 6- 9 (Feb 1969)

- A. HUMENJUK, Ukrajins'ki narodni muzychi instrumenty (Kiev, 1967)

- Edgar HUNT, 'Some Light on the Chalumeau', GSJ xiv (1961)

- G.O. HYLTÉN- CAVALLIUS, Wärend och Widarne ii (Stockholm, n.d.)

- IHLEE & SANKEY (pub.), Diagram and Scale of the Dulcimer with 32 notes (London, 1885) (BL 600(9))

- Susi JEANS & Guy OLDHAM, 'The Drawings of Musical Instruments in MS Add.30342 at the British Museum', GSJ, xiii; 26- ff (1960)

- Jean JENKINS (1) Musical Instruments (London, 2/1970) (Horniman Museum)

- Jean JENKINS (3) Music in the World of Islam iii Strings, L1 notes (London, 1976) Tangent

- ibid iv, Flutes & Trumpets.

- JONES, Edward, Musical and Poetick Relicks of the Welsh Bards (London, 1794)

- Lura Jafran JONES, The Persian Santur: a Description of the instrument together with an analysis of the Four Dastgah (MA diss., U. of Washington, 1971)

- W. KAHL, 'Das Nürnberger historische Konzert v.1643', Archiv für Musikwissenschaft xiv (1957)

- Walter KAINZ, Hackbrettfibel (Voitsberg, 1951, 2/1954) (Verlag der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Volksmuslk- pflege in Steiermark )

- Stavrou KARAKASI, Hellenika Mousika Organa (Athens, 1970)

- Richard KARUTZ, Atlas der Völkerkunde ii: Die Völker Europas (Stuttgart, 1926) (Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung) (BL 10007. W.l4)

- (Jean) Georges KASTNER, Les Danses des Morts, dissertations et recherches historiques philosophiques litteraires et musicales. (Paris, 1852) (BL 1266.f.5)

- Douglas KENNEDY, ed., Community Dances Manual ii (London, 1949) (EFDSS)

- Peter KENNEDY, ed., The International Folk Directory of Ethnic Music and Related Traditions (Dartington, 1973) (Institute of Trad. Arts, Dartington, Totnes, Devon)

- Peter KENNEDY, ed.,The Second Fiddlers Tune Book (London, 1954) (EFDSS)

- James KERR, Kerr's Caledonian Collection (Glasgow, n.d.) (James Kerr)

- David KETTLEWELL, "All the Tunes that Ever there were ..." (Tisbury, Wilts., 1975) (Spoot Books)

- David KETTLEWELL, 'First Steps on the Dulcimer', Early Music ii,4; 247- 253 (1974)

- David KETTLEWELL, "That's What I Calls a Striking Sound...", English Dance & Song xxxvi, 2; 5Of; xxxvi, 3; 96- 98 (1974) (R/1976, DPN ii, 2; 37- 41)

- Georg KINSKY, A History of Music in Pictures (London, 1930)

- Georg KINSKY, Katalog Musikhistoriches Museum von Wilhelm Heyer, ii Strings (Cöln, 1912)

- Athanasius KIRCHERUS (= Kircher), Musurgia universaiis sive Ars Magna consoni et dissoni ('The whole science of music or the great art of consonance and dissonance') (Rome, l650) (BL - 59.e.19 & Hirsch 1.266)

- Hugo KLEIN, 'Cymbal und Cymbalschläger', Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau vi, (Leipzig, 1885- 6)

- Gösta KLEMMING, How to Tune and Play the Hummel (MS, Göteborg, privately circulated, n.d.)

- Gösta KLEMNING, 'Hummeln - en gammal Brädcittra', Tjustbygdens Kulturhistoriska Förenings Årsbok (Stockholm, 1958)

- Karl M. KLIER, Volkstümliche Musikinstrumente in der Alpen (Kassel, 1956)

- KLIER, N.S., Jahrbuch des Osterreichischen Volksleidwerkes XV (Vienna 1966)

- H. KLING, Modern Orchestration and Instrumentation or The Art of Instrumentation (New York, 1902, 1905) (Fischer)

- KLYMASZ, 'Ukrainian Music in Canada', Ethnomusicology, xvi; 372- 380

- Charles KNIGHT ed., The English Cyclopaedia: A New Dictionary of Universal Knowledge iii,v (London, 1860) (Bradbury ã Evans)

- Thorkild KNUDSEN, 'Notes on Folkmusic Research', DFS Information 68/1 (Copenhagen, May 1968) (Dansk Folkemindesamling)

- K.S. KOTHARI, Indian Folk Musical Instruments (New Delhi, 1968)

- Nikos KOZANTZAKIS (tr. Carl Wildman), Zorba the Greek (Oxford, 1959) (Bruno Cassirer)

- Jaap KUNST, Music in Java (The Hague, 1949)

- Ignatz F.X. KÜRZINGER, Getreuer Unterricht (1763)

- Jean Benjamin de LaBORDE, Essai sur la Musique (Paris, 1780) (BM: 59.a.l6- l9)

- Wilhlem LANGHAM, Die Geschichte der Musik des 17. 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts, i. (Leipzig, 1882)

- John LEACH 'The Cimbalom', ML, liii; 134- 142 (April,1972)

- John LEACH 'The Dulcimer', The consort, xxv; 390- 395 (1968- 9)

- John LEACH 'Stravinsky and the Ciinbalom', Composer, xl; 1- 5

- O.K.LEDANG 'Instrument- Player- Music on the Norwegian Langeleik', Studia Instrumentorum Musicae Popularis (Stockholm, 1974)

- J. LEMPRIERE, Classical Dictionary (London 1815)

- Ladislav LENG, Slovenské l 'Udové Hudobé Nástroje Vyadavatel stvo Slovenskej Akadémie Vied (Prague, 1967)

- Charlton LEWIS, A Latin Dictionary for Schools (Oxford, 1889)

- LEWIS & Short, A Latin Dictionary (Oxford, 1879, 1962)

- LIDDELL and Scott, Greek-English Lexicon (abridgement, Oxford 1887)

- Jan LING, Nyckelharpan Studier i ett folkligt musikinstrument, with an abbreviated version in English 'The Keyed Fiddle: Studies on a folk instrument' (tr. Patrick Hort) (Stockholm 1967)

.- Jan LING, Svensk Folkmusik (Stockholm, 1964) (Prisma)

- William LITTLE, ed., The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford, 1933, 3/1944, corr/1972)

- A.L. LLOYD, 'Folk Instruments of Romania, vi: The Cimbalom', The British-Rumanian Bulletin (?1958)

- J. LOW, An Instructor for the Dulcimer (Boston, 1858) (BL a.300(7))

- Ottomarus LUSCINIUS (= Othmar Nachtigall), Musurgia seu Praxis Musicae ('Musical science, or the Practice of Music') (Argentorati (= Strasbourg), 1536), (BL.K.l.h.14)

- Jacob Wilhelm LUSTIG, Inleiding tot de muziekkunde ('Introduction to music') (2/1771)

- Victor MAHILLON, Catalogue ... du Musée Instrumental (Brussels, 1893- 1912)

- William P. MALM, 'A Computor Aid in Musical Instrument Research', Studia Instrumentorum Musicae Popularis iii ed. G.Hilleström (Stockholm, 1974)

- Janos MANGA, Hungarian Folk Song and Folk Instruments 'Hungarian Folk Art, 2' (Budapest, 1969) (Corvinna Press)

- Ruth MANNING- SANDERS, A Book of Sorcerers and Spells (London, 1973) (Methuen Children's)

- John MAPLET, A greene forest or a naturall historie .. (London, 1567)

- Sybil MARCUSE, Musical Instruments A Comprehensive Dictionary (New York, 1964) (Doubleday & Co) (London, 1966) (Country Life)

- Sybil MARCUSE, A Survey of Musical Instruments (Newton Abbot, 1975) (David & Charles)

- Gregory MARTIN & Mia GINOTTI, The Complete Paintings of Bosch: Classics of World Art (London, 1969) (Weidenfeld & Nicholson)

- Havelock MASON, Turner's Universal Tutor for the Dulcimer (London, 1908) (John Alvey Turner) (BL f.760.f.(6))

- Phillip MASON (1), Hammered Dulcimer Catalogue (Bangor Maine, 1975?) (10 stencilled pp)

- Phillip MASON (2), How to Tune and Play the Hammered Dulcimer (Bangor, Maine, 1975?) (16 stencilled pp)

- J. MATTHESON, Criticae Musicae d. i. Grundrichtige Untersuch- und Beurtheilung ii (Hamburg, 1722- 25) (BL 556.b.6(ll))

- J. MATTHESON, Neu-eröffnete Orchestre (Hamburg, 1713) (BL 7897. a.44)

- James E. MATTHEW, A Manual of Musical History (H. Grevel & Co.) (London, 1892)

- McCARTHY - see (Mc) CARTHY

- McCOLVIN - see (Mc) COLVIN

- John Henry van der MEER, ed. Livre Plaisant and Dit is eê seer Schoô Boecxke (1529 & 1568) ( R/1973, Amsterdam) (Frits Knuf)

- John Henry van der MEER 'Zither' MGG; 1341, 1353f, 1359ff (Kassel, 1968)

- Henry C. MERCER, 'The zithers of the Pennsylvania Germans', A Collection of Papers Read before the Bucks County Historical Society, v. 482- 497 (1926)

- Marin MERSENNE, Harmonie Universelle (Paris, 1636) (R/l965, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris)

- Pablo MINGUET Y YROL, Reglas y Advertencias .. tañer los instrumentos mejores / Academia musicál de los instrumentos (Madrid, 1752- 4)

- Howie MITCHELL, The Hammered Dulcimer, book and LP record (Sharon, Conn. /197l) (Folk Legacy )

- MITJANA, 'XVIII Siecle - Espagne' in Lavignac, Encyclopedie 2241- 2245 (1922)

- James MOFFAT, A New Translation of the Bible (New York, London 1922)

- Pierre MONICHON, Petite Histoire de l'accordeon (n.d., via Hubert Boone)

- Jeremy MONTAGU & John BURTON, 'A Proposed new classification system for musical instruments' Ethomusicology xv, l; 49ff (Jan 1971)

- Faye Witt MORELAND, Green Fields and Fairer Lanes - Music in the life of Henry Ford (Tupelo, Miss., 1969) (Five Star Publishers)

- (MORTIMER), 'Mortimer's London Universal Directory' 1763, GSJ ii; 30(1943)

- Richard G. MILTON, The Modern Reader's Bible (New York, 1895)

- Kate MÜLLER- LISOWSKI, ed., Irische Volksmärschen Die Märschen der Weltliteratur (Jena, 1923) (Eugen Diederich)

- David MUNROW, Instruments of the Middle Aces and Renaissance (London, 1976) (OUP)

- Peter & Linda MURRAY, A Dictionary of Art and Artists (London, 1959M/1972)

- "S.N.", A Concordance to the Holy Scriptures (Cambridge, 1662) (Univ. Press)


- Edward NAYLOR, Shakespeare and Music (London, 1896)

- Bruno NETTL, 'Nour- Ali Boroumand: A Twentieth- century Master of Persian Music'. Studia Instrumentorum Musicae Popularis iii ed. Gustav Hilleström (Stockholm, 1974)

- Bruno NETTL, Theory and Method in Ethnomusicology (New York, 1964) (Free Press of Glen- Coe, MacMillan)

- Tobias NORLIND, Notes on dulcimer research (Unpublished, MHM Stockholm)

- Tobias NORLIND, ed., Svensk Folkmusik och Folkdans (Stockholm 1930) (Natur & Kultur)

- Tobias NORLIND, Systematik der Saiteninstrumente I: Geschichte der Zither (Stockholm, 1936)

- O'CURRY, see under 'C'

- John OGILVIE, ed., The Imperial Dictionary (Glasgow, 1859) (Blackie & Son)

- OXFORD,1933

- Christopher PAGE, 'References to String Materials in Some Mediaeval Texts c.1050- c.l450', FoMRHI Communication xiv; 33- (April 1976)

- Hortense PANUM, Langelegen som Dansk Folkeinstrument (Copenhagen 1918)

- Hortense PANUM, ed. J. Pulver, The Stringed Instruments of the Middle Ages (London, 1939) (William Reeves)

- Paulus PAULIRINUS, 'Tractatus de Musica', ed. Joseph Keiss, Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft vii (1925)

- John PEARSE, The Dulcimer Book (London, 1970) (ATV KIRSHMER MUSIC) (Appalachian dulcimer)

- Lawrence PICKEN, Folk Musical Instruments of Turkey (OUP, 1975)

- Francis PIGGOTT, Music and Musical Instruments of Japan (1909) (R/1971, Da Capo edn.)

- Nicole PODESTA, The National Dulcimer Tutor (London, n.d.)

- H.A. POPLEY, The Music of India (New Delhi, 1921, 1950, 1966, etc.)

- Michael PRAETORIUS, Syntagma Musicum ii de Organographia (Wolfenbüttel, 1620) (R/l929,Kassel) -

- Jeffrey PULVER, Dictionary of Old English Music and Musical Instruments (London, 1923) (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co)

- Gustave REESE, Music in the Renaissance (London, 1954)

- Tobi REISER 'Wie das Hackbrett zu Neuem Leben Kam' in Schickhaus 1962 & Sänger- und Musikantenzeitung

- Dyrck REMBRANTZ van Nierop, 'Wis- konstige Musyka', appendix to Wiskonstige Rekening (2/1659, Amsterdam)

- J. Verschuere REYNVAAN, Muzijkaal Kunst-Woordenboek (Amsterdam 1795)

- Edwin M. RIPIN, 'Dulce melos' (proof) Grove 6 (1978)

- Jean RITCHIE, The Dulcimer Book (New York, 1963) (Oak) (Appalachian dulcimer)

- Jean RITCHIE, Dulcimer People (NewYork, 1975) (Oak)

- Sam RIZETTA, Hammer Dulcimer History and Playing, Leaflet 72- 4 Washington DC., 1972) (Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 20560)

- Sam RIZETTA, Making a Hammer Dulcimer, Leaflet 72- 5 (Washington DC., 1972) (Smithsonian Institution)

- Ronald ROBERTS, Musical Instruments Made to be Played (Leicester 1967) (Dryad Press)

- ROGET see Dutch

- J.B.B. ROQUEFORT, Glossaire de la Langue Romaine (Paris 1808, suppl. 1820)

- Ethel ROSENTHALL, The Story of Indian Music and its Instruments (London, 1928)

- Martin ROST 'Psalterium und Hackbrett: Ein Beitrag zur Analyse ihres Klangcharacters', Instrumentenbau Zeitschrift (June 1963)

- C. ROYLANCE, How to Learn the Dulcimer without a Master (London, 1886) (BL d.l66.(2))

- C. ROYLANCE, How to Play the Chromatic Dulcimer (London, 1890) (BL d.166.c(2))

- Louie de RUSETTE, Dulcimer Playing for Children (London, 1934) (Cramer)

- Curt SAHS, Handbuch der Musikinstrumentenkunde (Leipzig, l920)

- Curt SAcHS, History of Musical Instruments (New York 1940) Norton & Co)

- Curt SACHS, Reallexikon der Musikinstrumente (Berlin, 1913)

- S.J. SACKETT 'The Hammered Dulcimer', Sing Out! xv, 6; 49- 51 (Jan 1966)

- S.J. SACKETT, 'The Hammered Dulcimer in Ellis County, Kansas', JIFMC xiv; 61- 64 (1962)

- P. SAMBAMOORTHY, A Dictionary of South Indian Music & Musicians (Madras, 1959)

- Geoffrey B. SAMUEL, 'The Hammered Dulcimer in Asia', DPN ii,1; 29- 34 (Jan- Feb 1976)

- SÁROSI Bálint, Die Volksmusikinstrumente Hungerns, Handbuch der Europäische Volksmusikinstrumente (Leipzig, 1968) (Deutscher Verlag für Musik)

- Max SAUERLANDT, Die Musik in Fünf Jahrhunderten der Europäischen Malerei (Leipzig, 1922) (Karl Robert Langeiesche)

- Karl- Heinz SCHICKHAUS, Bairische Weinachtsmusik (Munich 1972) (Preissler Verlag)

- Karl- Heinz SCHICKHAUS, Hackbrett-Fibel (Munich, 1962) (Preissler Verlag)

- Percy A. SCHOLES, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music (1952, 2/1964)

- Percy SCHOLES, Oxford Companion to Music (1930?)

- Jozsef V. SCHUNDA, a cimbalom története ('History of the cimbalom') (Budapest, 1907)

- Schweizerisches Idiotikon (Frauenfeld, 1905)

- Ephraim SEGERMAN & Djilda ABBOTT 'Historical Background to the strings used by Catgut-scrapers' FoMRHI Communication XV (London, April, 1976) (see also Abbott & Segerman)

- A.SENDREY, Music in Ancient Israel (London 1969) (Vision Press)

- Reidar SEVÅG, 'Neutral tones and the Problems of Mode in Norwegian Folk Music', Studia Instrumentorum Popularis Musicae iii (Stockholm, 1974)

Henry W. SHOEMAKER, The Music and Musical Instruments of the Pennsylvania Mountaineers (Altoona, Pa., 1923) (Times Tribune Co)

- SIXTUS V (Pope 1585- 90) and Clement VIII (1592- 1605), Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis (London n.d.) -

- Walter SKEAT, An Etymological Dictinary of the English Language (Oxford, 1879- 82, 4/1910)

- Vic SMITH, 'Interview with Scan Tester', TM, iv (mid- 1976)

- T. Lea SOUTHGATE, 'The Evolution of the Piano', English Music (1609- 1904) (London, 1911) (Worshipful Company of Musicians)

- George SPEAIGHT, History of the English Puppet Theatre (London, 1965) (Harrap)

- Haquin SPEGEL, Gudz werk och hwila (Stockholm, 1685)

- STAINER & BARRETT, A Dictionary of Musical Terms (Novello, 1898)

- John STAINER, Music of the Bible (London, 1914)

- Roger STEINER, Bantam New College French and English Dictionary (New York, 1972)

- Thomas STERNHOLD & John Hopkins and others, The Whole Book of Psalms, collected into English metre (Oxford, 1798)

- Tobias STIMMER, 'Women musicians' 1575

- Fritz STRADNER 'Eine Alte Scheitholz- Zither' , ÖMZ, xxi; 454ff (Vienna, 1966)

- Fritz STRADNER 'Des Hackbrett', Jahrbuch des österreichischen volksliedwerkes xv 134- 140 (1966)

- Fritz STRADNER, 'Vom Scheitholz zur Kratz- Zither', Jahrbuch des Österreichischen Volksliederwerkes xviii; 66f (Vienna 1969)

- Edmond van der STRAETEN, Les Billets des rois en flandre (Ghent, 1892)

- Igor STRAVINSKY & Robert CRAFT, Expositions and Developments (New York, 1962)

- W.K. SULLIVAN - see 0' CURRY, i

- James SUTHERLAND, ed., The Oxford Book of English Talk (1953)

- Bence SZABOLCSI, A Concise History of Hungarian Music (1964) (Barrie & Rockliff)

- H. SZADROWSKY, 'Die Musik und die tonerzeugenden Instrumente der Alpenbewohner', Jahrbuch der Schweizerisches Alpenklub iv (1867- 68)

- Jean- Francois du TERTRE, L'Epinette des Vosges (LP sleeve notes) (Paris, 1974) (Chant du Monde, LDX 74536)

- G. THIBAUD, Jean JENKINS, J. BRAN- RICCI, Eighteenth Century Musical Instruments France and Britain (London, 1973) (Victoria & Albert Museum)

- Bjarni PORSTEINSSON (Thorsteinsson), Islenzk Pjódlög (Copenhagen, 1906)

- V.THULIN, Musikinstrument, i (Göteborg, 1931)

- TRÂN Van Khê, La Musique Vietnamique Traditionelle (Paris, 1962)

- Ed, TRICKETT, 'Teach in: Hammered Dulcimer', Sing Out! xxi, 4; 18-19 (1972)

- E.B. UVAROV & D.R. CHAPMAN, A Dictionary of Science (Harmondsworth, 1943, 2/1951)

- L.F. VALDRIGHI, Musurgiana, i (Modena, 1879)

- René VANNES, Katalog der Städtischen Sammlung alter MusikInstrumente im Richard Wagner-Museum Tribschen Luzern (Zürich, 1956) (Gessellschaft der Freunde Alte Musikinstrumente)

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- Walter WEBBER, Dallas' Complete Tutor for the Dulcimer (London, c.1920)

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