CHAPTER 3: History to 1800 > Later Renaissance - 16th century

Illustrations - 3 of 10

fig. 43: Fastnachtstanz (Carnival Dance) in Schwyz, 1509, from Luzerner Chronik des Deibold Schilling, 1513

The next examples are of type 11.2., but with some interesting variations.

Diebold Schilling's painting (1513) (fig. 43) is of a Carnival dance or procession, which contrives to look a bustling, jolly occasion, even with only 7 couples taking part; the brett-hacker holds his hammers in the normal way, except that he seems to be using his third and fourth fingers instead of second and third.

The simple combination of dulcimer and a wind instrument is unusual: but see also fig. 28; and Hackbrett and a wind instrument are played nowadays in Wallis, discussed in chap. 5.